Mobile App for Reforestation Professionals


In 2023, British Columbia (B.C.), Canada's westernmost province and a hub of innovation, launched the revitalized B.C. Gov Digital Marketplace to foster collaboration between the tech industry and the public sector. Through the “Code With Us” program, the Government of British Columbia selected DSR Corporation for multiple projects, recognizing its expertise in decentralized systems and extensive experience in mobile app innovations and identity solutions.

BC Gov Business Background

One of the province’s flagship sustainability projects, “Forests for Tomorrow,” a reforestation initiative that plants over 218 million trees annually, required a mobile app to enhance efficiency for program managers and field planters. Understanding DSR’s specialized capabilities, the BC Government engaged the company to design and develop a reforestation tracking app, streamlining efforts and advancing sustainability goals.

BC Gov Business Background

DSR Services

Architecture and Design

Mobile App Development

Backend Integration

UI/UX Design

Testing and QA

The Solution

The digital solution developed by DSR Corporation for B.C. Gov reforestation app was designed to streamline data collection and improve the reforestation efforts. The implemented solution used Flutter, the cross-platform mobile app that works on both Android and iOS devices. It connects directly to the PostgreSQL database to store detailed information about reforestation trials, including descriptions, GPS location and images and planting app for both iOS and Android or recording the location and details of newly established reforestation trials and subsequent synchronization to a PostgreSQL database. This data is available through the easy-to-use mobile app, used by the Government of British Columbia reforestation teams to better track and optimize their planting efforts.

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Developed iOS and Android mobile application to record the location and details of reforestation plantings.

Mobile App UI/UX

Built easy-to-use mobile interface which simplified user experience for operators in the field.

Backend Synchronization

Integrated locally-stored collection data with PostgreSQL server database, for easier tracking and management.


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Company logo


Mobile App built for Android and iOS

Enables recording and transmitting planting details from the field

Synchronized backend databased enables further analysis

300 Million

Seedlings planted in 2023 by "Forests of Tomorrow"

The Result

App Screenshot

In 2024, BC Gov’s “Forests for Tomorrow” celebrated the planting of its 10-billionth tree seedling and formally announced that more than 300 million seedlings were planted in 2023. The development of the mobile application by DSR Corporation enabled BC Gov to optimize its sustainability process and infrastructure.

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